Variant is the default VBA data type. A tag is stored with the variant data to identify the type of data that it currently . The variant data type can store any kind of data . Excel VBA data types can be grossly divided into two types, the numeric. MyFirstName and MyAge as variants , and they are assigned data as . Note: You can also choose to not declare the data type , in which case, VBA automatically considers the variable of the variant data type. A variant data type can . The advantage of VBA is that it can retain vast amounts of information in memory.
In VBA , to assign a value to a variable of Numeric or String type - type the. Visual Basic for Applications ( VBA ) . Same range as Double for numerics. The Access and VBA Currency data type scales numbers. Examples of data types are integers, floating point numbers, and strings.
Although VBA can handle your data automatically without worrying about the data types , the resulting program executes very slowly and. If you are using Excel VBA , remember that VBA is essentially VB and hence those rules apply. If the variant has not been. VBA CDec function to convert a variant to the Decimal data type. The VBA IsMissing function will . While VBA allows a great deal of flexiblity in declaring your variables, this flexiblity can.

The following table shows the VBA data types , along with a description of each type and. Explanation of the basic data types available in table design in a Microsoft Access. Q: variant data type with user defined data type. VBA - Variables - Variable is a named memory location used to hold a value that can be changed during. There are many VBA data types , which can be divided into two main categories, namely.
VBA provides a full set of functions for converting data from one data type to. It is flexible, but occupies more space in . These Variables are stored under many Data Types , and are declared using Dim. VBA Variables are used to store pieces of data for use in macros and functions. Help window containing all types of data available and their. The difference between all these numerical data types is how many digits they can hol and.

Voor variabele h is geen data type gedefinieerd en wordt daardoor automatisch een variant. The Decimal data type is rather unusual because you cannot actually declare it. In fact, it is a subtype of a variant. Function to get the Data Type of a variable in VBA.
Get the data type of value stored in a variable. Since each element of an array of type variant can itself contain an array or an. In VBA , Byte Arrays are special because, unlike arrays of other datatypes , . The String data type is for handling text: ◇ Variable-length strings can contain.
If we miss defining variable type by default in VBA it will be declared as a variant data type.
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